







World Metrology Day Events

Below is the list of those 2016 World Metrology Day
events we have been notified of.

To view last year's events, please click here.

To request publication of your event,
please e-mail us a brief summary in Word,
your logo and a web site link.


World Metrology Day - May 20: HOW DID YOU CELEBRATE?

When you have held your World Metrology Day event Metrologist Magazine would like to publish your celebration!
Please send your text and photos to lstone@ncsli.org

List of Events (click to access):

  1. International
  2. Argentina
  3. Australia
  4. Bulgaria
  5. China
  6. Chinese Taipei
  7. Colombia
  8. Ecuador
  9. Gambia
  10. India
  11. Ireland
  12. Italy
  13. Mauritania
  14. Mexico
  15. Netherlands (VSL)
  16. New Zealand
  17. Panama
  18. Peru
  19. Poland
  20. Portugal
  21. Russian Federation
  22. Saint Lucia
  23. Saudi Arabia
  24. Serbia
  25. Singapore
  26. Spain
  27. Sri Lanka
  28. Sweden
  29. Tunisia
  30. United Arab Emirates
  31. United Kingdom
  32. Vietnam



World Metrology Day 2016 organized by PACMAN at CERN

PACMAN is an Innovative Doctoral Program Network, offering training to 10 Early Stage Researchers hosted by CERN thanks to the European Commission’s FP7 Marie Curie Actions.

On the occasion of World Metrology Day 2016, PACMAN will be organizing an A&T sector seminar at CERN (Geneva), with talks by the coordinator of project, Dr. Hélène Mainaud Durand, and by the Work Packages leaders – Michele Modena, Prof. Stephan Russenschuck and Manfred Wendt – who will present the project and will give an account of the results achieved by the ESRs during their training.

The technical objective of the PACMAN project is to develop very high accuracy metrology and alignment tools and validate them in a single automatic test stand integrating all of them. This multidisciplinary research project strengthens the co-operation between the most innovative universities, laboratories and industries.

PACMAN aims to develop new sensors, improve the already existent hardware and methodology for alignment measurements and metrology, and integrate them into an industrial environment.

PACMAN website: http://pacman.web.cern.ch/

Link to the event: https://indico.cern.ch/event/515602/

For further information, please contact Tommaso Portaluri: tommaso.portaluri@cern.ch



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Día Internacional de la Metrología 2016

Lunes 30 de mayo / 9:00 / Auditorio INTI

En conmemoración de un nuevo aniversario de la firma de la Convención del Metro, se realizará en el INTI una jornada de celebración bajo la consigna MEDICIONES EN UN MUNDO DINÁMICO


8:45 Recepción. Acreditaciones.
9:00 El contexto de la Metrología en el Transporte y la Seguridad Vial. Dr. Héctor LAIZ, Gerente de Calidad y Ambiente del INTI.
9:30 Calibración de alcoholímetros utilizados en Seguridad Vial.  Ing. Fabiana BARRERA, INTI-Electrónica e Informática.
10:00 Verificación Metrológica de cinemómetros con móvil real y con móvil virtual. Ing. Roberto MUÑOZ, INTI-Córdoba.
11:00 Medición de dureza en rieles de acero para ferrocarriles, metodología utilizada y verificación de durómetros. Ing. Hernán LORUSSO, INTI-Mecánica.
11:45 Laboratorio de Calibración de Aerolíneas Argentinas. Ing. Agustín ELIZONDO, Responsable de Calidad, Aerolíneas Argentinas.  Ing. Rubén PÁEZ, Subdirector Técnico del Laboratorio, Aerolíneas Argentinas.
12:00 Cierre de las actividades.

Confirmar asistencia a  protocolo@inti.gob.ar
Lugar: INTI - Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial
Colectora de Avenida General Paz 5445
(entre Albarellos y Avenida de los Constituyentes)



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World Metrology Day in Australia

The National Measurement Institute (Asutralia) marked World Metrology Day by recognising the outstanding achievements in metrology of two Australian researchers. NMI CEO Dr Peter Fisk said the 2016 recipients of the institute’s annual metrology awards had shown tremendous innovation in their respective fields. "The awards acknowledge and celebrate the outstanding achievement in practical applications of measurement, something which affects our everyday lives", Dr Fisk said.

For more details please click here.



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World Metrology Day in Bulgaria

On May 20, the Bulgarian Institute of Metrology (BIM), together with the Union of the Metrologists in Bulgaria (UMB) and the State Agency for Metrological and Technical Surveillance (SAMTS), is organizing a World Metrology Day event entitled Measurements in a dynamic world.

To celebrate this year’s event, BIM, UMB and SAMTS are going to invite representatives of all the interested parties – the Ministry of Economy, the Bulgarian Institute of Standardization, calibration and/or testing laboratories, the Technical University of Sofia, the Bulgarian Accreditation Service as well as former colleagues involved in metrology activities, producers of measuring instruments, etc.

There will also be several brief presentations during the event with “dynamic metrology” as the theme.

Using the opportunity given by worldmetrologyday.org BIM would like to congratulate our colleagues all over the world and to wish them a “dynamic growth” of their success and wellbeing in the future.



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P.R. China


World Metrology Day events hosted by AQSIQ

AQSIQ, together with Tsinghua University, jointly organized the "World Metrology Day" theme activities in China. Mr. Alan Johnston, CIML Immediate Past President and Prof. Kenneth Grattan, IMEKO President both given a speech at the event. Mr. Zhi Shuping, Minister of AQSIQ delivered a keynote speech.

A full report with photos is available for download here and the speech by AQSIQ Minister Zhi Shuping "Measurement defines the world, and precision changes the future" may be downloaded here.



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Chinese Taipei


World Metrology Day events in Taiwan

The Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI) of Taiwan, R.O.C. is planning to celebrate this year’s World Metrology Day with a series of events from May 11 to July 31 at the Taipei headquarters, its branch offices, National Measurement Laboratory (NML), and Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI).

On May 18, a main conference on “International Metrology Development and Trend” will be held in ITRI. Key speakers will include Dr. James W. McLaren, CIPM Secretary, and other guest speakers. The topics of the conference are as follows:

  • The Importance of Metrology for Standards,
  • Industry and Trade,
  • New Application of Measurement in Internet of Things Industry; and
  • Introduction and Visit of NML.

The invited speakers will share the future development trend of international metrology and measurement technology in our civilized life.

There will also be several activities to celebrate World Metrology Day including technical training courses and special exhibitions. For more about World Metrology Day celebration events in Taiwan, please visit: www.bsmi.gov.tw/wSite/mp?mp=2




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World Metrology Day 2016 in Colombia

The Instituto Nacional de Metrología de Colombia is organizing an event and laboratory visit on 20 May. Full details are available here.


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World Metrology Day 2016 in Ecuador

The Ecuadorian Standardization Service (INEN) is part of the National Quality System, whose governing body is the Ministry of Industry and Productivity (MIPRO). One of the four pillars of INEN is metrology and INEN recognizes that the fields of scientific, industrial and legal metrology are vital to the development of science.

With this background, Ecuador joins the global celebrations for World Metrology Day, celebrated on May 20th by organizing an agenda that calls for the participation of national and international experts, the local metrological community and public and private laboratories. This event is organized in order to identify opportunities for improvement and create a national metrological network.

For this purpose, technology will be used as a tool that will connect our users with the academic community that is located in different parts of the country. The participation of university students will be encouraged by issuing a certificate to attendees.

Website: http://apps.normalizacion.gob.ec/diadelametrologia/

Email: inenlaboratorios@normalizacion.gob.ec



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World Metrology Day 2016 in The Gambia

The National Metrology Laboratory of The Gambia Standards Bureau joins the rest of the world in commemorating World Metrology Day 2016. The National Metrology Laboratory will embark on the following as part of activities in commemorating the day:

  • World Metrology Day Radio Talk show on “Capital FM”
  • Nationwide outreach program to Major Health Facilities in the country
  • Provision of free calibration service for some selected Public Health centers
  • Sensitization of Policy Makers on the Importance of Metrology in economic development

The Radio talk show was held on Thursday 19 May 2016 which attracted a wide audience from across the country. The other activities are planned to be carried out in the coming weeks



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World Metrology Day events in India

World Metrology Day was commemorated at CSIR - NPL, India on 20 May 2016, sponsored jointly by CSIR - NPL and the Metrology Society of India (MSI). The function was presided over by the Director General, CSIR, Dr. Girish Sahni and the Chief Guest for the occasion was Dr. Anil Kakodkar, Padma Vibhushan, former Director of Atomic Energy Commission and BARC.

For a full report and photos, click here.



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World Metrology Day 2016 in Ireland

NSAI, the Irish National Metrology Laboratory based in Dublin, has produced two light-hearted videos on the occasion of World Metrology Day 2016:

Video 1:  I've a ton of work to do
Video 2:  I'll be there in a minute



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World Metrology Day 2016 in Italy

INRiM, the Italian National Metrological Research Institute, will be holding a Seminar in Turin on 20 May to celebrate World Metrology Day 2016. The full program is available here.



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Journée Mondiale de la Métrologie en Mauritanie

La journée internationale de la métrologie a été commémorée par la Mauritanie le vendredi 20 Mai 2016 dans les locaux du Laboratoire National de Métrologie relevant de la Direction de la Normalisation et de la Promotion de la Qualité, sous le thème: Mesures dans un monde dynamique.

L'évènement a donné lieu à un mot de la ministre du commerce, de l'industrie et du tourisme, Mme Naha MintHamdyOuldMouknas, qui a souligné que la Mauritanie a institué la culture de célébration de la journée mondiale de la métrologie pour accompagner le développement de la métrologie et les changements rapides que connait le monde.

Pour le rapport complet, ainsi que des photos, cliquer ici.



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CENAM prepares for World Metrology Day 2016

CENAM is pleased to contribute once again this year to World Metrology Day and proposes to celebrate WMD 2016 by offering visitors to CENAM (Mexico) an Open House Day. This event will allow visitors to familiarize themselves with many of Mexico's metrology laboratories and there will also be parallel introductory talks about metrology and the 2016 theme Measurements in a dynamic world.

Please download information about the event in both English and Spanish.

The 2015 celebration may be viewed at www.cenam.mx/pabiertas/dpa2015/ and the current event will be at www.cenam.mx/pabiertas.

For further information: servicios_evaluacion@cenam.mx.



2016 World Metrology Day in Monterrey – Mexico

Every year ETALONS has been celebrating “World Metrology Day”. This year the celebration will be held in the newest Convention Center in Monterrey – México. This event will take place on May 20, 2016, with a series of sessions related to “Metrology in a Dynamic World”. Two main topics will be covered based on Industrial Metrology and on Healthcare Metrology calibration needs.
Register Now:  http://registro.etalons.com.mx

Día Mundial de la Metrología 2016 en  Monterrey – México

Cada año ETALONS ha celebrado el “Día Mundial de la Metrología”. Este año, la celebración se llevará a cabo en el más nuevo Centro de Convenciones en Monterrey - México. Este evento se realizará el próximo 20 de Mayo con una serie de conferencias relacionadas con la “Metrología en un Mundo Dinámico”. Los temas a cubrir están relacionados con la Metrología Automotriz y con la Metrología en el Sector Salud.

Registro: http://registro.etalons.com.mx



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Netherlands (VSL)


WMD 2016 in the Netherlands

As in previous years, again this year VSL will celebrate World Metrology Day 2016 by launching an animation on 20 May in which we will show - in less than 2 minutes - what would happen if metrology did NOT exist!

We will bring this animation to the attention of all our partners via an e-mailing and we will be using all our communication channels and social media to publicize this key day.

Ten days in advance, there will be a countdown to 20 May via social media.



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New Zealand


World Metrology Day in New Zealand

This year, Measurement Standards Laboratory, Trading Standards and the Metrology Society of Australasia (MSA) are marking the occasion by holding an event at Measurement Standards Laboratory on Friday 20th May.

The event will include tours of the different laboratories, a presentation on redefining the kilogram using the watt balance, workshops and a training demonstration. Food and drink is also included.

To download the full programme, please click here.



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WMD 2016 in Panama

CENAMEP, Panama, will commemorate World Metrology Day and extends an invitation to participate in the Forum "Measurements in a Dynamic World". The Forum will discuss the contributions of metrology in this changing world, and will take place on Tuesday, May 17 from 6:00 to 8:30 pm in the Auditorium (Bldg. 184) of the City of Knowledge, Clayton.

Six experienced metrologists from Argentina, Mexico and Panama will give presentations of 15 minutes each. There will also be two round tables, during which the contributions of metrology in technological and industrial progress of these three countries and the challenges facing Panama in the coming years will be presented.

For more information, please click here.



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WMD 2016 in Peru: The Metrology Week

The Directorate of Metrology of the National Institute of Quality in Perú, Inacal, is pleased to announce the events for the celebration of the 2016 World Metrology Day: “The Metrology Week”.

The events will take place in Lima city from May 16 to May 20 and will include the classic Metrology Symposium in its Peruvian seventh edition. Below is the complete Metrology Week schedule:

  • May 16 - Open Laboratories Day: The Metrology Direction will open the doors of its Metrology Laboratories for visitors in order to introduce society, industry and students to the work and development in Metrology.
  • May 17 - Course: Commercial Scales - Verifications and Inspections: Its purpose is to show the monitoring and inspection of commercial scales in public facilities. It is free of charge and is aimed at Municipal Authorities and Inspection Organisms.
  • May 18 - Course: Introduction to Chemistry Metrology in Health Sector: Its purpose is to provide the basis for the metrological aspects management in a clinical laboratory. It is free of charge and is aimed at technicians, technologists and professionals of the health and clinical sector in the country.
  • May 19 & 20 - 7th Metrology Symposium in Perú:  This is the main event that closes the Metrology Week with more than 20 Metrology conferences given by international and national metrologists. It will take place in an exclusive hotel in Lima.

For further information (program, schedules, prices, inscriptions, etc.) please visit www.inacal.gob.pe/inacal/index.php/cursos-eventos-y-publicaciones/eventos



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WMD 2016 in Poland

This year the agenda of the World Metrology Day 2016 celebration at the Central Office of Measures in Warsaw includes two main events, which will take place on 19-20 May 2016:

  • the “Open Day” for the middle school students (19 May),
  • the Seminar “Measurements in a dynamic world” (20 May).

During the first event on 19 May students and teachers will see presentations on measurements in the area of electrical quantities. The presentations will focus on ohm's law and measurements of current ratio, voltage and resistance. The young visitors will also have an opportunity to observe differences in power consumption while using a common bulb or LED. They will also learn how to calculate electrical power. The conductivity tests of different kinds of materials and different types of resistors, capacitors, voltage sources, etc. will be presented as well. To make students aware of the energy consumption level while using different light sources, mobile phone chargers, radio and domestic electrical appliances while in stand-by mode the employees of GUM will show some comparisons. The main aim of the presentations is to explain how to use the electrical power economically.

Another important topic of the “Open Day” will be presentations on time measurements. The guests will be able to check their watch's rate and test their time of reaction - in other words their reflex.
In the second part of the World Metrology Day 2016 celebrations, which will take place on 20 May, the Central Office of Measures is organizing a seminar “Measurement in a dynamic world”. The agenda of this event includes lectures in the field of:

  • chemical standards and reference materials;
  • changing of measurement units definitions;
  • measurement accuracy and practice in metrology.

After the lectures, the participants will be invited to visit the laboratories of the Central Office of Measures.



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World Metrology Day in Portugal

Em Metrologia, são múltiplos os domínios onde podemos encontrar esta necessidade de caracterizar uma mensuranda que é variável no momento da medição, pese embora o facto de que os sensores utilizados nessa determinação estejam calibrados, na maioria das vezes, em condições estáticas ou sujeitas a um sinal simples e repetitivo: medições mecânicas de mobilidade desde a indústria automóvel à robotização, medições dinâmicas de torção, força e pressão, medições dinâmicas de caudal de líquidos e gases, medições termométricas de impulso de calor e de aplicações nucleares, são apenas alguns dos exemplos.

O IPQ, representante do BIPM e da OIML em Portugal, associa-se à comemoração do Dia Mundial da Metrologia 2016, no próximo dia 20 de maio, através de um Dia Aberto, com palestras e visitas aos Laboratórios e ao Museu da Metrologia.

Para mais detalhes, por favor, clique aqui.



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Russian Federation


WMD 2016 in the Russian Federation

In connection with the 2016 World Metrology Day, our Institute of Metrology (VNIIM) maintains a special webpage dedicated to this event (www.vniim.ru/day-metrology.html), where Russian translations of the Directors’ Messages and Posters are published (e.g. www.vniim.ru/files/izm-v-din-mire-2016.pdf).

Also, in commemoration of both the Day of Russian Science and World Metrology Day our Metrology Museum has opened an exhibition of scientific metrology artefacts and documents  (new arrivials): http://museum.vniim.ru/vist-exp-2015-2016.html (in Russian).

During the week (17-20 May 2016) our Institute participates in organizing and holding the International Innovations Forum and Exhibition “Precise Measurements as the Basis of Quality and Safety” in Moscow and timed to coincide with World Metrology Day: http://expo.vdnh.ru/en/calendar/guest/Precise-Measurements/.

To download a report on Russia's 2016 World Metrology Day activities, click here.



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Saint Lucia


SLBS observes World Metrology Day with focus on Students in Science

Saint Lucia will join the rest of the world in marking World Metrology Day on Friday 20 May 2016 under the theme Measurements in a dynamic world.  The Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards, which is also the National Metrology Institute, is marking the observance with a focus on students in science specifically physics.

The SLBS has invited students of  Form 4 (Grade 10) Physics classes in the North of the island from six (6) secondary schools to visit our Metrology Laboratory where physics is applied in the verification and calibration of measuring instruments.

The SLBS will extend the visit to schools in the South later in the year when we observe World Standards Day in October.

Metrology is the science of measurement. Metrology and the use of the International System of Units or metric system of measurement is part of the Physics Syllabus of the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) administered by the Caribbean Examinations Council (www.cxc.org).

This visit to our Metrology Laboratory we hope will inspire the next generation of metrologists, physicists and engineers. Our commemoration of World Metrology Day 2016 is particularly poignant for the SLBS.  In November 2015 Saint Lucia became the first Caribbean country and smallest nation in the world to receive the prestigious OIML Award for Excellent Contributions in Legal Metrology in Developing Countries.

Legal metrology is the application of  legal requirements to measurements and measuring instruments and the International Organization of  Legal Metrology (OIML) is the world's premier intergovernmental treaty organization for legal metrology.

The Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards is keen to work with students to support interest in science and to raise awareness and promote an appreciation among them for quality and standards.

Watch a YouTube video about the 2016 World Metrology Day (Saint Lucia TV report) - Click here.



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Saudi Arabia


World Metrology Day 2016 in Saudi Arabia

The Saudi Quality Council under the official patronage of His Excellency the Governor of Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO), is going to organize the Seventh Measurement Forum, dated on the 19th of May, 2016, in line with the theme of this year “Measurements in a Dynamic World”.

For more information including the program and translations of the Directors' messages into Arabic, download a PDF file here and visit this link.



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DMDM is celebrating World Metrology Day

Metrology has a long-standing tradition in the Republic of Serbia, and as in previous years, the National Metrology Institute of Serbia - Directorate of Measures and Precious Metals (DMDM) – is celebrating World Metrology Day on 20 May.

Towards ‘’Measurements in a Dynamic World’’, and in addition to laboratory visits in order to show significant achievements and results, DMDM has produced a leaflet as a part of its promotion of metrology and of the importance of measurements in everyday life.

You can download the promotional leaflet here.

During the first part of the day, students from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Department of Physics, will visit DMDM and will be introduced to DMDM’s activities through a brief promotional film; after that they will tour the laboratories.

During the second part of the day, DMDM will open its doors to all interested parties, including representatives of the Ministry of the Economy, Faculties and other representatives of the Quality Infrastructure of the Republic of Serbia.



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A*STAR NMC celebrates World Metrology Day 2016

As part of the World Metrology Day celebration, the A*STAR National Metrology Centre is jointly organizing a conference on “Measurements in a Dynamic World” with the Health Science Authority, on 20 May 2016.

Invited speakers will share how measurement sciences and their applications can help various industry sectors meet demand from the dynamic and constant evolving global market. Stakeholders and industry players will be able to share their insights focusing on measurement needs, challenges and opportunities related to advanced/additive manufacturing, engineering, medical technologies and sensor technologies at the dialogue sessions. There will also be exhibitions showcasing advanced instrumentation and measurement technologies for various industry sectors.

For more information, please visit the NMC World Metrology Day event page.



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7th Intercongress Seminar and laboratory tour visit

On the occasion of World Metrology Day 2016 Centro Español de Metrología (CEM), in collaboration with Asociación Española para la Calidad (AEC), will organize the 7th Intercongress Seminar with the same theme “Measurement in a dynamic world”, together with visits to laboratories on 20 May 2016.

The titles of the oral presentations at this Seminar are as follows:

  1. Industry 4.0 and metrology  (IK4-Tekniker)
  2. Strategic plan of CEM (CEM)
  3. Natural gas quality. Measurements system based on rebuilding thermodynamic state  (ENAGAS)
  4. AEMET observation networks. Measured variables and data quality control (AEMET)
  5. Dynamic measurement challenge of mechanical quantities (CEM)
  6. Continuous measurements in structural monitoring (HBM Ibérica)
  7. Lifecycle of measure in the development of automotive electronic components (Lear Corporation)

CEM and AEC invites everyone interested in the science of measurement to participate free of charge in this event.

Presentations will be available on the AEC and CEM websites after the seminar.

For more information and registration, please visit www.aec.es/web/guest/congresos/proximos-congresos



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Sri Lanka


MUSSD, Sri Lanka celebrates WMD 2016

MUSSD is the National Measurement Institute (NMI) of Sri Lanka, the leading institute of metrology which has responsibilities in the scientific, industrial, and legal metrological framework.

As a special event this year MUSSD declared a “Metrology Week” from 20 to 26 May 2016. Over this period MUSSD organized many activities to celebrate World Metrology Day with people.

A public awareness program was held on 20 May in Homagama town, which is the nearest town to the headquarters of MUSSD. All the officers participated in this program to make people aware of consumer protection. The program included inspections of the daily market, fuel stations, and awareness of customers and traders of measurement laws. The program continued until 26 May.

A one day special metrology workshop was held on 25 May at the auditorium of MUSSD with a large gathering consisting of experts in metrology and interested technical and scientific personnel. Five distinct experts delivered a series of valuable lectures covering a vast range in metrology and its applications as follows:

  • Importance of metrology in quality infrastructure
  • Metrology and practical realization of base units
  • Metrology in medical physics
  • Metrology for laboratory accreditation
  • Metrology for consumer protection and the role of MUSSD.

The full agenda can be downloaded here.



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Swedish Radiation Safety Authority Laboratory Open House

This year the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority  celebrates World Metrology Day by inviting industry professionals to an open house in the following laboratories:

  • the Swedish national laboratory for ionising radiation,
  • the laboratory for radon measurements,
  • the laboratory for radio analysis,
  • the emergency preparedness and response mobile unit, and
  • the laboratory for electromagnetic field measurements.

There will also be several brief presentations during the event with metrology as the theme.



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Séminaire à l'occasion de la Journée Mondiale de la Métrologie

L'Agence Nationale de Métrologie (Ministère du Commerce), République Tunisienne, organise un Séminaire autour du thème Mesures dans un monde dynamique, le vendredi 20 mai 2016 au CEPEX, Centre Urbain Nord - Tunis, Tunisie.

Le programme très complet ainsi qu'un communiqué de presse et un résumé de chaque intervention peuvent être téléchargés ici.



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United Arab Emirates


UAE celebration of WMD

The United Arab Emirates joins the global celebrations for World Metrology Day under the 2016 theme “Measurements in a dynamic world”.

The Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology (ESMA) will organize a special event on 19 May 2016. ESMA will host stakeholders from the private sector to participate in this activity, and Mr. Abdullah Almuaini (General Director of ESMA) will introduce the celebration by speaking about the 2016 theme “Measurements in a dynamic world”, and additionally about the importance of the partnership between the public and private sectors for continuous improvement in the metrology sector.

Eng. Amina Zainal (Director of the Metrology Department) will talk about ESMA achievements over the last two years related to metrology. UAE became a full member of the BIPM in 2015; ESMA also signed the CIPM-MRA in 2016. This activity will focus on the vision of ESMA for 2021 in metrology and on sharing ideas with stakeholders in laboratories and private sectors.



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United Kingdom


NEL Open Day

As part of the celebrations leading up to World Metrology Day, NEL, the UK's National Measurement Institute for flow measurement, will be opening our doors on Wednesday 18 May.

This will give you the chance to visit our world-class flow measurement facilities,  and find out more about our recent upgrades. During the event you will also have the opportunity to chat with our flow measurement experts and discuss the latest developments in flow measurement.

Please register your interest in attending the open day here: www.tuvnel.com/news/nel_open_day_18_may_2016



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WMD 2016 in Vietnam

On World Metrology Day 2016, under the sponsorship of the Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality (STAMEQ), the Vietnam Metrology Association (VINAMET) and the Vietnam Metrology Institute (VMI) are co-hosting a Seminar to promote this year's theme Measurements in a dynamic world in Hanoi, Vietnam.

Attendees will contribute ideas to the Draft of the Government Decree on verification, calibration and testing management of measuring equipment. Vietnam’s national measurement standards system will also be presented at this event, through which the 2016 World Metrology Day theme will be clearly and widely disseminated to stakeholders throughout Vietnam.

Also on World Metrology Day, all VMI’s calibration laboratories will be open to welcome to any individuals who are interested in visiting them.



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